

Motherhood Photographer

What Social Isolation Has Taught me

April 20, 2020

36 days ago was the last time I had a proper work day. It was my last photoshoot in NYC right before social isolation took action.

In the beginning I was very excited to have some downtime to take a break and to do the things I’ve been wanting to do but was too *busy* for. To have time with my little family with no distractions of the outside social world. We can finally do the house touch ups we’ve been talking about,  purge the attic & basement, set up my home office, garden, spend more time outside.

I’ve had a lot of time to reflect these past 36 days – I learned a lot about myself & my actions. Here are few things social isolation has taught me;

I’m more of an extrovert than I thought I was

I thought I was full on introvert. I was always craving time home & when my husband would schedule social gatherings I secretly wished we would stay home but I know he needs to be social – that’s where he gets his energy. I am still very much an introvert but I realized that I do enjoy being social, just not too much! But more than I thought 🙂

I can exercise with my best friend who lives in DC

My best girlfriend since 4th grade, Heather, lives in DC. We always talk about how dreamy our life would be if we were neighbors and  the things we would love to do together one of them being going to yoga/pilates/fitness classes together. And now we are! We FaceTime, prop our phones & pick out an online workout class to do together. And after we drink a smoothie & catch up. I’m not sure why we haven’t thought of this sooner but I’m happy we’re here.

Turns out I like to be busy

I always thought I was living a fast pace life & I should slow down. And in some areas, yes I do need to slow down but not as much as I thought! After a week of not doing a lot I planned out personal projects, photoshoots & future hosting events at our home.

My house will always have Layla dust bunnies & laundry will always be delayed

I’ll admit, my cleaning habits are not top notch & for some reason it takes me SO long to fold clean laundry. I keep improving however, I thought that “if only I had more time” I would be a master at it. I’m proving myself wrong with that ha! I think our house is messier than before because it’s so lived in but I don’t mind <3

I’m falling in love with our home all over again

We’re trying to keep things fresh & exciting at home since we’re pretty much here 24/7. We’re rearranging furniture, planning future projects (we’re dreaming of an outdoor patio) I’m setting time aside to print, frame & hang family photographs (it’s sad that we don’t have many! And I’m realizing now more than ever that family photographs in your home are a true treasure now that we’ve been away from everyone.) Our house feels more homey every week & it warms my heart. As a couple we realized that we love being home together & we’re excited to stay home a little more than we usually do & plan more things with friends & family here. I’m all for creating special gatherings & cannot wait for our first gather we can socialize again!

I love blogging

I’ve managed to plan time for blogging & it has been one of the greatest joys during this unusually hard time. I’m not sure who I’m talking to (thank you for following along whoever you are!) but I really enjoy curating the post. I love sharing my thoughts, taking photos, putting the post together….It’s been extremely therapeutic for me. So here’s a personal thank you to whoever enjoys my posts! <3

And that’s about it! For now. What have you learned about yourself during this unusual time?

Sending love & wishing everyone a beautiful week ahead.


-I am booked for my Spring 2021 season

-I will be on maternity starting in May-October

-I will be hosting mini sessions this year in mid October